Greetings and Hallo zusammen! Welcome to another episode of Stars, Stripes and Germans, this time about American traditions and holidays. We are your hosts Anita and Bella for today, providing you, our dear listeners, with a deep dive (…)
In todays episode of Stars, Stripes and Germans your hosts Tim and Lukas are going to dive a bit deeper into the topic of the evolution of Hip-Hop in the US starting from the 2000s until now. While covering this interesting topic, they (…)
Dear listeners, we are sure many of you use slang on a daily basis, if that's the case, today's episode might be right up your alley! In this episode Johanna and Alex are going to bring up some useful knowledge about slang in general (…)
Hello Everyone! Welcome to our newest episode "U.S. chronicles". Today, with our hosts Vanessa Müller and Julian Koch. Sit back and enjoy listening! Sources: Hopkins, J. University Press: EAS Encycliopedia of American Studies (…)
Every student will sooner or later find out what it is like to be plagued by the question of what to do after school. Join our transatlantic journey to the USA to find out! Our topic for today is therefore spending a year abroad (…)
Every student will sooner or later find out what it is like to be plagued by the question of what to do after school. Join our transatlantic journey to the USA to find out! Our topic for today is therefore spending a year abroad (…)
Hello Everyone! Welcome to our newest episode "U.S. chronicles". Today, with our hosts Vanessa Müller and Julian Koch. Sit back and enjoy listening! Sources: Hopkins, J. University Press: EAS Encycliopedia of American Studies (…)
Dear listeners, we are sure many of you use slang on a daily basis, if that's the case, today's episode might be right up your alley! In this episode Johanna and Alex are going to bring up some useful knowledge about slang in general (…)
Greetings and Hallo zusammen! Welcome to another episode of Stars, Stripes and Germans, this time about American traditions and holidays. We are your hosts Anita and Bella for today, providing you, our dear listeners, with a deep dive (…)
In todays episode of Stars, Stripes and Germans your hosts Tim and Lukas are going to dive a bit deeper into the topic of the evolution of Hip-Hop in the US starting from the 2000s until now. While covering this interesting topic, they (…)
Stars, Stripes and Germans
Our channel Stars, stripes and Germans gives insight into aspects of the American way of life. Stay tuned and enjoy listening to our podcasts.
Kienberger Marlena
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Um unserem Hausmeister Hans einen würdigen Abschied zu gestalten, haben wir uns für diese Folge mit der Mittelschule Rain am Lech zusammengetan: ein JOINT VENTURE! Wow! Das hat Spaß gemacht und schreit nach (…)
Schnee fasziniert Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen. Deswegen dreht sich in dieser Sendung alles um ihn. Ihr lernt ein wunderbares Buch über einen Schneeengel kennen, welches ihr euch auch in unserer Bücherei (…)
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Auch diese Woche gibt es reichlich Kanal C Zeit - dieses Mal mit Martin und Victoria am Mikro! 🎙️ Das Musikmotto deutsche Songs über Feminismus steht im Mittelpunkt 🎶✨ Außerdem auf dem Plan: Die neue EU-Altkleider-Richtlinie (…)